Oct 23The Word this Week Parables of the Kingdom (Luke 18:18-30)Beloved in the Lord, As we celebrate Reformation Sunday, Jesus teaches us to look to him alone for salvation. All other roads are...
Oct 17The Word this Week (Luke 16:19-31)Beloved, This week Jesus gives a parable on the condition of Hell. Let us learn from our Redeemer and Rescuer what it means to be saved...
Oct 10The Word This Week (Jonah 1)Beloved, This week Mark Hewitt is going to preach on Jonah Chapter 1. Let us live in terms of God's mission to us and the world! Jonah 1...
Oct 3The Word This Week: Forgiven to Forgive (Matthew 18:21-35)Beloved in Jesus, Our next parable is about Kingdom Living as forgiven people who are forgivers. May we let the world know Jesus lives!...
Sep 26The Word This Week: Kingdom Living (Luke 19:11-27)Beloved in Jesus our next parable has an important teaching on serving in the kingdom and that coming of the king. Luke 19.11-27 The...